Ephesians 4:1-7 KJV

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

There is one body, and one Spirit, (even as ye are called in One Hope of your calling;)

One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

This four part series is Chapter One of the
One Hope Of Original Christianity
and presented by Rev. Ed Horney.

Living Large In Our Hope

Living Large In Our Hope
Session 1  (52:50)  March 16, 2021

Caring For God’s Children

Session 2  (55:50)  March 23, 2021

Caring for God’s People

Session 3  (54:40)  April 6, 2021

Abound More And More
 (49:10) April 13, 2021
Session 4 (49:10)  April 13, 2021

Rev. Jon O. Nessle
The One Hope Of Original Christianity
Chapter Two

Session 1   (54:05)  April 20, 2021

More Old Testament Themes Of Hope

Session 2a (57:10)  April 27, 2021

Great Old Testament Expectations

Session 2b (53:05)  April 27, 2021

Eternal Judgement
 Part 1
Session 3a (51:10)  May 4, 2021

Eternal Judgement
 Part 2
Session 3b (50:55)  May 4, 2021

The Coming Kingdom
Part 1
Session 4a (50:40)  May 11, 2021     Supplement

The Coming Kingdom
Part 2
Session 4b (52:45)  May 11, 2021

The Coming Kingdom  Part 3
Session 5a (1:01:30)  May 18, 2021
C2 O5a Supplemental File – A Glossary of The Abomination of Desolation and other prophetic terms. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bCgj…

The Coming Kingdom  Part 4

Session 5b (1:05:30)  May 18, 2021
C2 05b Ezra Esther Nehemiah Timeline https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kkLW…

C2 05b An excerpt – Appendix 1 – The Path into Eternity https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GeDW…

C2 05b Christ Quake https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GI0m…

The Kingdom Was At Hand  Part 1
Session 6a  (52:50)    June 1, 2021

The Kingdom Was At Hand Part 2
Session 6b  (58:30)   June 1, 2021

Jesus And His Kingdom Part 1
Session 7a  (59:25)    June 8, 2021

Jesus And His Kingdom Part 2

Session 7b  (46:40)   June 8, 2021

He’s Coming Back  (Diane Martínez)

Session 8a  (46:08)   June 15, 2021

He’s Coming Back  (Diane Martínez)
The Seven Feasts
Session 8b  (47:24)   June 15, 2021


Rev. Jon O. Nessle
The One Hope Of Original Christianity

Chapter Three playlist

Livin’ Lookin’ Up
Session 1a  (1:08:00)   June 29, 2021

Shaking The Powers Of Heaven

Session 1b    (1:02:30)   June 29, 2021

What The Church Believed – Part 1

Session 2    (1:07:35)    July 6, 2021
(Free download at Archive.org of
Bible vs. Tradition
 by Aaron Ellis.)

What The Church Believed – Part 2

Session 3 (53:15)     July 13, 2021

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
Session 4a    (1:00:15)  July 20, 2021

Something To Look Forward To
Session 4b    (1:11:50)   July 20, 2021

Our Rewards
Session 5a     (1:07:55)   July 27, 2021

The Reorganizations Of Heaven
Session 5b     (1:08:00)  July 27, 2021

Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or Post-Trib
Session 6a     (1:11:50)   August 3, 2021

The Times Be A-Changin’
Session 6b    (1:02:15)    August 3, 2021

An Excerpt from “ The Path into Eternity – An Analysis of Christ’s Sermon in the Valley
By Jon O. Nessle © 2015
Appendix 1
The Duration of the Earthly Ministry of our Lord

Appendix 2
The Chronology of Christ’s Holy Week – The 3 days and 3 nights our Lord was Buried

Supplement 1
Post-exilic Bible Chronology & Identifying Esther’s Husband

By Rev. Jon O. Nessle

Supplement 2
The Structure Of The Book Of Revelation
By Rev. Jon O. Nessle

The End From The Beginning  (Diane Martínez) 
Session 7a    (1:15:48)    August 10, 2021

The Vision Of The Hereafter Part 1
Session 7b    (1:20:20)    August 10, 2021

c3 07b supplemental file Repetitions     PDF 45 pages

c3 07b supplemental file Figures of Speech Affecting Structure   PDF 4 pages

c3 07b supplemental file – Finding Meaning in the Literary Patterns of Revelation
Ranko Stefanovic – Andrews University (2002)   PDF 17 pages

c3 07b supplemental file – Mighty Voices of the Book of Revelation   PDF 66 pages

c3 07b supplemental file – The Seven Seals   PDF 1page

Supplemental Video – Genesis     (3:59)

The Vision Of The Hereafter Part 2
Session 8a    (59:00)    August 17, 2021

c3 08a supplemental file – Books, and Timeline to date

c3 08a supplemental file – Is Hell a Place of Eternal Torment  Wayne Clapp PDF 23 pages 

The Vision Of The Hereafter Part 3

Session 8b   (1:00:50)  August 17, 2021

c3 08b supplemental file – Chants, Songs, and More   PDF 6 pages

The Tribulation and Wrath Part 1
Session 9a 
(54:45)  August 24, 2021  

The Tribulation and Wrath Part 2
Session 9b
  (57:15)  August 24, 2021

The Tribulation and Wrath Part 3

Session 10a  (54:40)  August 31, 2021

Section 3 of Revelation Part 1
Session 10b
 (54:00)  August 31, 2021

Section 3 of Revelation Part 2
Session 11a  
(53:25)  September 7, 2021

The Fulfillment of All Things Part 1
Session 11b
 (1:04:20)  September 7, 2021

The Fulfillment of All Things Part 2
Session 12a
 (1:08:10)  September 14, 2021

The Fulfillment of All Things Part 3
Session 12b
 (58:15)  September 14, 2021

More Views of the Book of Revelation
Session 13a
 (106:55)  September 21, 2021

The Home Stretch
Session 13b
 (53:25)  September 21, 2021

The Timeline
Session 14a
 (56:25)  September 28, 2021

The Fulfillment of All Things Part 4
Session 14b
 (1:00:40)  September 28, 2021