B. Relative Ellipsis:

Where the omitted word must be supplied from the words actually related to it
and employed in the context itself.

I. Where the omitted word is supplied from a COGNATE word
occurring in the IMMEDIATE CONTEXT.

1. Where the NOUN is suggested by the VERB.

Lev. 4:2 —“If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments
of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be done.”

Here the verb “shall sin” supplies the noun “sins,”
i.e., “ concerning sins which ought not to be done.”

The R.V. evades the difficulty by a freer translation.
But the correct supply of the Ellipsis enables us to retain the literal translation.

Num. 11:14 —“I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.”

Here the noun is latent in the verb, and is naturally supplied by it thus:—
“I am not able to bear the burden of all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.” The word “it” does not refer to the People, but to the burden of them.

In verse 17 it is translated fully.

2 Kings 17:14 —“Notwithstanding they would not hear, but hardened their necks,
like to the neck of their fathers,” i.e., like to the hardness of the necks of their fathers.

Psa. 13:3 (4) —“Lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the death,”
., the sleep of death.

Psa. 76:11 —“Vow, and pay unto the Lord your God,”
i.e., pay your vows.

Psa. 107:41 — “And maketh him families like a flock.”
Lit., maketh like a flock the families.
The two parallel lines are thus completed by supplying the Ellipsis:—
“Yet setteth he the poor on high from (or, after) affliction.
And maketh like a flock the families [of the afflicted].”

Hos. 9:4 —“They shall not offer wine to the Lord,”
i.e., wine offerings. As in A.V.

Gal. 4:24 —“Which things are an allegory: for these [two women] are the two covenants; the one, indeed, from the mount Sinai, which bringeth forth [children]
into bondage, which is Hagar.” The apodosis or conclusion is suspended till verse 26. “But Jerusalem which is above is the free [woman], who is the mother of us all.”
In verse 25, it must be noted that the word “this” is the article τό, which is neuter, while “Hagar” is feminine. Τό, therefore, must agree with some neuter word, which must be supplied, such as ὄνομα (onoma) name:—“For this [name] Hagar is
(or, denotes) Mount Sinai in Arabia.” It is a fact that in Arabia the word Hagar
(which means a stone) is the name for Mount Sinai.

…………2. Where the VERB is to be supplied from the NOUN.

1 Sam. 13:8 — “And he tarried seven days, according to the time that Samuel
[had appointed].”

1 Chron. 17:18 — “What can David speak more to thee for the honour of thy servant?” i.e., the honour put upon thy servant.

Psa. 94:10 — “He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct?
he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?”

Compare verse 9, where we have similar questions.

Hos. 1:2 — “Go, take thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms.”

The sense, as we see from verses 3, 6, and 8, must be “and [beget] children,” etc.

Micah 7:3 —“The prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward.”

Here the A.V. supplies the Ellipsis by repeating the previous verb.
The R.V. supplies it with the verb “is readyi.e., “the judge is ready for a reward.”

But the verb is latent in the noun (“judge”) and is to be supplied from it, thus: —
“The prince asketh, and the judge judgeth for a reward.” The subject of the former sentence must be supplied from the latter, and then the two lines will read thus: —
……….“The prince asketh for [a reward],
………And the judge [judgeth] for a reward.”

Rom. 12:6-8 —“Having then gifts differing according to the grace given to us,
whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of the faith
[given or dealt to us, verse 3].” The verbs must also be supplied in the following exhortations:— “Or ministry, [let us be diligent] in the ministry: or he that teacheth, [let him be faithful] in teaching; or he who exhorteth, [let him employ himself] in exhortation: he who distributeth, [let him distribute] with simplicity; he who presideth, [let him preside] with care; he that showeth mercy, [let him show it] with cheerfulness.”

In the A.V. and R.V., some are supplied and some are not.

Rom. 13:7 —“Render therefore to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due, etc.”
Here the verb to be due is latent in the noun dues.

1 Cor. 1:26 —“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called

Here the thought or subject is the “calling” — the act of calling, i.e., not the persons who are called, but the persons who call. The following verses go on to explain the manner in which God calls: viz., by choosing the weak and the base to confound the wise and the mighty. So in like manner He had chosen weak instruments like Paul, Apollos and Cephas to call the saints in Corinth, and to produce such wondrous results, in order “that no flesh should glory in His presence.”

The Ellipsis would in this case be better supplied thus:—
“Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble call you.”

2 Cor. 5:17 —“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.”

Here the verb substantive is supplied twice, but the verb created must be supplied from the noun “creature”:— “If any man be in Christ, [he is created] a new creature.”
Or else there is only one Ellipsis, and the sentence reads on, thus: “If any man be in Christ a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Eph. 3:16 —“ [Praying] that he would grant you,“from” bowing my knees” in verse 14.

From “Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible” by E. W. Bullinger,
(Public Domain) pages 56-58. Adapted for website compatibility.
original at link.      Stream          Download.

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