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Ratiocinatio – Omission of the Conclusion.      165  482
(Also called Emphasis, Significatio and Syllogismus.)

Recessio – A Return to the Original Subject after a Digression.     913
(Also called Anachoresis, Epanaclesis and Regressio.)

Reciprocatio – Repetition of the same Word in the same Sentence, with Different Meanings.  287
(Also called Anaclasis, Antanaclasis,  Antistasis, Dialogia, Homogene and Refractio. A form of Ploce.)

Recollectio – An Expression of Feeling by Way of Recalling to Mind.      918
(Also called Anamnesis.)

Redditio – (Prosapodosis) Detailing.  A Returning for Repetition and Explanation.     394
(Addition by way of Repetition for various reasons.)
(Also called Diezeugmenon, Disjunctio, Reditio and Sejugatio.)

Reditio – (Prosapodosis) Detailing. A Returning for Repetition and Explanation.     394
(Addition by way of Repetition for various reasons.)
(Also called Diezeugmenon, Disjunctio, Redditio and Sejugatio.)

Reduplicatio – The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the end of one Sentence and at the beginning of another.    251
(Also called Anadiplosis, Epanastrophe, Palillogia and Reversio.)

Refractio – Repetition of the same Word in the same Sentence, with Different Meanings.    287
(Also called Anaclasis, Antanaclasis,  Antistasis, Dialogia, Homogene and Reciprocatio. A form of Ploce.)

Regressio – The Repetition of the same Words in an inverse Order (but same Sense).    299 
(Also called Antimetabole, Chiasmus, Epanodos, Inversio and Synantesis. See also Anachoresis. 913)

Rei Aut Actionis Descriptio – Description of Actions.    452
(Also called Pragmatographia.)

Rejectio  An Expression of Feeling by way of Detestation.     935
(Also called Abominatio, Apodioxis and Detestatio.)

Relatio – The Repetition of the same Word at the beginning of successive Sentences.     199
(Also called Anaphora and Epanaphora.)

Repeated Negation – The Repetition of divers Negatives.    339

Repetitio – Repetition of the same Word or Words irregularly in the same Passage.   394      263    
(See also Geminatio and Epizeuxis.)

Repræsentatio – Word Picture. Visible Representation of Objects or Actions by Words.      444
(Also called Adumbratio, Diatyposis, Eicasia, Enargeia, Hypotyposis, Icon and Phantasia.)

Responsio – Animated Dialogue.       959
(Also called Dianœa and Subjectio. It is a form of Dialogismos.)

Resumptio – The repetition of the same word after a break, or parenthesis.    206
(Also called Apostasis and Epanalepsis.)

Reticentia – (Aposiopesis) Sudden Silence.  151

Reversio – The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the end of one Sentence and at the beginning of another.     251
(Also called Anadiplosis, Epanastrophe, Palillogia and Reduplicatio.) © 2013-2021. All rights reserved. Material in public domain may be freely copied and distributed without charge for educational, non-commercial purposes.
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