This Site – and – “Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible” Page #
“ So perfectly was this figure studied and used by the Greeks,
that they gave different names to its various forms,
according to the position of the verb or yoke in the sentence.
There are four forms of Zeugma—”
1. PROTOZEUGMA, ante-yoke. Latin, INJUNCTUM, joined together. 131
(Yoked at the beginning. Also called Antezeugmenon and Proepizeuxis.)
2. MESOZEUGMA, middle-yoke. Latin, CONJUNCTUM, joined with. 134
(Also called Conjunctum.)
3. HYPOZEUGMA, end-yoke; or subjoined. 134
4. SYNEZEUGMENON, connected-yoke. Latin, ADJUNCTUM, joined together. 135
(Also called Adjunctum.) © 2013-2022. All rights reserved.
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