is simply a website dedicated to a better understanding of just that; figures of speech in the Bible.


When we think of figures of speech, generally we think of something that is not literally true to fact; it doesn’t really mean what it says. We cannot take a verse to mean what it says at face-value, it’s just a figure of speech. We may look for some obscure, hidden meaning, or even conclude that the subject in question is beyond understanding. This pattern of thought has, at times, caused us to take literally what was not meant to be taken at face-value, and at other times, to take as non-literal what was intended to be understood at face-value. It is my hope and goal, therefore, that this website will bring us to a clearer understanding of figures of speech, so as to be better able to discern between the two.


The foundational concept of this site is to provide a hybrid between the static and the dynamic.


It will be a website with information that does not change, such as the pages in “Figures A-Z”. Additional “static” information may be added to these pages from time to time, or new pages may be added, but in general it is like a textbook.


It will be semi-dynamic by means of “Posts”, which, although are static, provide a dynamic approach for those who write and would like to share what they have learned about figures of speech.


It will be dynamic through comments on Pages and Posts, and ultra-dynamic by the use of a chatroom and perhaps eventually through real time discussions.


As you begin to study figures for the first time, you may feel at times that you have taken on an incomprehensible subject. The names of figures are generally in Greek or Latin, and may themselves be our first challenge. Then, as you begin to read about various figures, the concepts that define them may be beyond grasp. Furthermore, the overwelming number of figures is compounded by the fact that few people have studied them.




As you read through the descriptions of each of the figures, make a note of the ones you are familiar with and already understand. Believe it or not, there are not only figures that you already understand, but figures you use in your own communications. If you catch yourself using a figure, note what it was you intended to accomplish in terms of communicating. Focus on studying these figures first, if you can identify them, or make a note for future reference.




Note that the very large names that have been given to figures actually have meaning. Dr. Bullinger has provided keys to their pronunciation. Let these names steer your understand, and review them when necessary. These names of old were given by others like ourselves, in their attempts to understand and share understanding. Eventually you will find them quite useful.




It may help to start with figures of syntax or grammar, as these are the easiest to spot. Anaphora, (repetition of the same word at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, etc.), Anadiplosis, (repetition of the same words at the beginning of a sentence that ended the previous sentence), Polysyndeton, (many conjunctions), and Asyndeton, (without conjunctions), are just a few, and are perhaps a good starting point.




Finally, if you read through the Bible just once a year, and note the instance of every usage of just one figure each time, you will soon realize that you should have started BEFORE you were born. Dr. Bullinger identifies 217 figures in his book, and certainly there are others. My point being simply this, that it isn’t likely we will soon master this subject. When you have studied a figure and are ready to move on to another, be thankful that you understand that figure well enough to feel comfortable with it, and then proceed onward. But remember one very important point. The salvation God offers us through His only conceived son is simple, free, and requires no knowledge of figures of speech whatsoever to receive and enjoy.




Although the site is presented principally from a Christian perspective, anyone is welcome to visit and comment. In order to post to the site you will need to register your name and email address, which you can easily do by clicking the “Register” tab located in the menu at the bottom right side of the page (Meta). There you simply choose a screen name, (mine is kenros10), and enter the email address you can be contacted at.


If you would like to contribute posts beyond comments, such as video or audio or written information, it will need to be approved first. This is for the purpose of avoiding spam and offensive material in general. All posts should be family friendly, and you must have the right to post the material. If you post an original work of your own, or one you have permission to share, please include your actual name, and state your intentions as to what rights you retain regarding the work, as well as what rights others may have to use or download your work. The site is based in the United States of America, but the internet is global, so please be aware not to violate any applicable laws when posting to this site. For instance, the King James Version (KJV) is in the public domain, except in the (UK) United Kingdom, where copyrights do apply; other versions carry their own restrictions. Laws may permit posting material for educational purposes, which purpose this website is solely devoted to. (Unless noted, all scriptural references are to the KJV.)


Currently this site does not permit direct commercial advertising of any kind. Links to other sites may be posted that happen to have advertising, but the site itself must be relevent to the study of biblical figures of speech; general biblical scope that helps us understand figures; or the discussion at hand. (Political posts and comments will be held to the same standards as commercial posts and comments).


At times it may be helpful to our understanding of a figure to investigate non-biblical material. Writings need not be explicitly about figures of speech, but they should contribute in some way to a better understanding of biblical figures of speech, and the connection should be stated and/or clearly understood.


“Figures A-Z” will be a copy and paste database of each figure,
initially from Dr. E. W. Bullinger’s invaluable work
Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible”, and other authors and researchers whose work is in the public domain. Each figure’s file will contain Dr. Bullinger’s index of verses he identified containing that figure. As additional references are discovered in scripture to that figure being used, they will be added. Minor adjustments will be made to fonts and page layout to provide easier readability and internet usability.


The menu item “Books” will contain downloadable items in public domain, or links to other sites where they can be read or purchased. Hardbound books should never be considered  dispensable, as sites such as this would not be possible without them, and may not always be available. Not every item in “Books” will deal specifically with figures of speech, but will contribute to our understanding of the Scriptures.


“Introduction” contains Dr. Bullinger’s intro from
Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible”,
and will contain other material, giving an overview of the topic.


Note: not every site or work referenced here is necessarily one with which I agree fully as to the doctrinal or academic perspectives held by their promoters. Furthermore, not every site or work referenced here is necessarily one with which its promoters agree fully as to the doctrinal or academic perspectives I hold. Links to other sites should be understood simply as an easy method to access further information for academic perusal.

I sincerely hope that as this site continues to develop, it will be an asset to each and everyone who visits. Now enjoy!


Ken Rossoll © 2013-2023. All rights reserved. Material in public domain may be freely copied and distributed without charge for educational, non-commercial purposes. This website, and those referenced by this site as sources of public domain material, are to be referenced. Material that is not in public domain, and indicated as such, is the property of its rightful owner(s), and/or originator.

