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Icon – Visible Representation of Objects or Actions by Words.     444
(Also called Adumbratio, Diatyposis, Eicasia, Enargeia, Hypotyposis, Imago, Phantasia and Repræsentatio.)

Idioma – The peculiar usage of Words and Phrases.       819
(Also called Idiom and Idiotismus.)

Idiotismus – The peculiar usage of Words and Phrases.         819
(Also called Idiom and Idioma.)

Imago – Visible Representation of Objects or Actions by Words.      444
(Also called Adumbratio, Diatyposis, Eicasia, Enargeia, Hypotyposis, Icon,
Phantasia and Repræsentatio.)

Imitatio – Description of Sayings.     451
(Also called Mimesis.)

Imprecatio – Expression of Feeling by way of Malediction or Execration.      940
(Also called Apeuche, Ara, Comminatio, Execratio, Maledictio and Misos. )

Inclusio – The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the beginning and end
of a Sentence.     
(Also called Cyclus and Epanadiplosis. )

Incrementum – An Increase of Sense in successive Sentences.      429
(Also called Anabasis, Anagoge and Auxesis.)

Injunctum (Protozeugma) Ante-Yoke.      131

Intentio  (Epitasis)
Amplification. Addition of Conclusion by way of Emphasis.   462
(The opposite of Anesis.)

Interfactio – A passing from one subject to another.     908
(Also called Metabasis and Transitio.)

Interjectio – Parenthetic Addition by Way of Feeling.      478
(See also Epiphonema and Ecphonesis.)

Interpositio – By way of Interposition.       469;  470
(See also Apostasis, Epanalepsis and Correspondence.)

Interpretatio – Repetition for the Purpose of Interpreting what has been
already said.   
(Also called Hermeneia.)

Interrogatio – The Asking of Questions without watting for the Answer.       944
(Also called Erotesis, Erotema, Percontatio, Peusis and Pysma.)

Inversio – Name given to three distinct figures…

.  Epanodos: The Repetition of the same Words in an inverse Order (but same Sense).
.  (Also called Antimetabole, Chiasmus, Regressio and Synantesis.)

.  Anastrophe: The position of One word changed so as to be set over against the Other.    699
.  (Also called Parallage, Syncategorema and Trajectio.)

.  Antistrophe: A turning the Words of a Speaker against himself.      965
.  (Also called Biæon and Violentum.)

Involutio – Change of what is unpleasant for pleasant.     685
(Also called Chroma, Euphemismos and Periploce.)

Iteratio – The Repetition of the Same Word in the Same Sense.     189
(Also called Conduplicatio, Epizeuxis, Geminatio and Subjunctio.) © 2013-2022. All rights reserved.
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