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Casuum Varietas – The Repetition of the same Part of Speech in different Inflections. 267
(Also called Metagoge and Polyptoton.)
Catabasis – Gradual Descent. The Opposite of Anabasis. 432
(Also called Decrementum.)
Catachresis – One word changed for another only remotely connected with it. 676
(Also called Abusio.)
Cataphasis – Addition of Insinuation (stated) by way of Reasoning. 487
Cataplexis – An Expression of Feeling by way of Menace. 938
Cataploce – Sudden Exclamation. 475
(Parenthetic Addition by Way of Exclamation.)
Causæ Redditio – The rendering a Reason for what is said or done. 963
(Also called Ætiologia and Apodeixis.)
Characterismos – Description of character or morals. 448
Chiasmos – Introverted Correspondence. 374
(Also called Allelouchia, Chiasmus, Chiaston and Decussato Oratio.)
Chiasmus – Introverted Correspondence. 374
(Also called Allelouchia, Chiasmos, Chiaston and Decussato Oratio.)
Chiaston – Introverted Correspondence. 374
(Also called Allelouchia, Chiasmos, Chiasmus and Decussato Oratio.)
Chleuasmos – An Expression of Feeling by Mocking and Jeering. 942
(Also called Epicertomesis and Mycterismos.)
Chreia – Quotation; When the author’s name is given. 778
(Also called Gnome, Noema and Sententia.)
Chroma – Change of what is unpleasant for pleasant – Euphemy. 685
(A type of Periphrasis. Also called Euphemismos, Involutio and Periploce.)
Chronographia – Description of time. 455
(Also called Temporis Descriptio.)
Circuitio – When a Description is used instead of the Name. 419
(Also called Circumlocutio and Periphrasis.)
Circumductio – Addition (full) of what is professed to be ignored. 485
(Also called Assumptio and Proslepsis.)
Circumlocutio – When a Description is used instead of the Name. 419
(Also called Circuitio and Periphrasis.)
Circumstantiæ Descriptio – Description of Circumstances. 456
(Also called Peristasis; other forms are Diaskeue and Protimesis.)
Climax – (Grammatical) – Repeated Anadiplosis. 256
(Also called Gradatio, Gradus, Epiploce and Scala. Repeated Anabasis and Catabasis are Rhetorical Climax.)
Cœnotes – The Repetition of two different Phrases: one at the Beginning and the Other at the End of successive Paragraphs. The Combined Repetition of Anaphora and Epistrophe. 345
(See also Symploce and Epanadiplosis.)
Cohabitatio – The Repetition of the same Word in the same Sentence with an Extended Meaning.(Also called Synœceiosis.) 294
Commentum – Omission of Premise. The opposite of Syllogismus. 167
(Also called Conceptio and Enthymema.)
Comminatio – Expression of Feeling by way of Malediction or Execration. 940
(Also called Apeuche, Ara, Execratio, Imprecatio, Maledictio and Misos.)
Commoratio – Repetition in order to dwell upon for the sake of Impressing. 401
(Also called Epimone.)
Communicatio – An Appeal to others as having interests in Common. 968
(Also called Anacœnosis and Symboulesis.)
Commutatio – Counterchange. 301
(Epanodos with contrast or opposition. Also called Antimetabole, Diallelon and Metathesis.)
Comparatio – Repeated Simile. Repetition of a number of Resemblances. 734
(Also called Parathesis and Syncrisis.)
Compensatio – The Answering of one Question by asking another. 964
(Also called Anteisagoge, Anthupophora, Anticatallaxis and Contraria Illatio.)
Complexio – The Repetition of different Words in successive Sentences in the same Order and the same Sense. 297 345
(Also called Complicatio and Symploce.)
Complicatio – The Repetition of different Words in successive Sentences in the same Order and the same Sense. 297
(Also called Complexio and Symploce. See also Cœnotes 345.)
Compositio – A concise form of speech, or abbreviated expression.
(Relative Ellipsis) 3 62
Conceptio – Omission of premise. The opposite of Syllogismus. 167
(Also called Commentum and Enthymema.)
Concessio – Making a Concession of one Point to gain another. 970
(Also called Epichoresis and Synchoresis.)
Concisa Locutio – A concise form of speech, or abbreviated expression.
(Relative Ellipsis) 3 62
Conclusio – By way of conclusion. 459
(A heading of figures under which various forms include Anesis, Epicrisis, Epitasis, Epiphonema, Epitherapeia, Exemplum, Proecthesis and Symperasma.)
Condescensio – The Ascribing of Human Attributes, etc., to God. 871
(Also called Anthropopatheia, Derech Benai Adam and Syncatabasis.)
Conduplicatio – The Repetition of the Same Word in the Same Sense. 189
(Also called Epizeuxis, Geminatio, Iteratio and Subjunctio.)
Confessio – A Concession in Argument to gain Favour. 974
(Also called Paromologia.)
Conformatio – Personification. Things represented as Persons. 861
(Also called Personificatio, Personæfictio and Prosopopœia.)
Congeries – The Enumeration of the Parts of a Whole which has not been mentioned. 436
(Also called Aparithmesis, Eirmos, Enumeratio, Synathrœsmos, Synathrœsmus and Syrmos.)
Conjunctum – Joined together with. (Mesozeugma) 134
(The Zeugma is so-called when the verb or adjective occurs in the middle of the sentence.)
Constructio Prægnans – A concise form of speech, or abbreviated expression. 3 62
(See Relative Ellipsis.)
Contentio – A setting of one Phrase in Contrast with another. 715
(Also called Antithesis.)
Contraria Illatio – The Answering of one Question by asking another. 964
(Also called Anteisagoge, Anthupophora, Anticatallaxis and Compensatio.)
Conversio – The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the end of successive Sentences. 241
(Also called Antistrophe, Epiphora and Epistrophe.)
Correspondence – Repetition of subjects. 363
*****Complex – 379
*****Extended Alternation – 368
*****Introverted – 374
*****Repeated Alternation – 372
***** Simple Alternation – 365
(See also Allelouchia, Chiasmos, Chiasmus, Chiaston and Decussata Oratio.)
Creman – Addition suspending the Conclusion, by way of Reasoning. 483
(Also called Exartesis, Sustentatio.)
Cycloides – The Repetition of the same Phrase at Regular Intervals. 342
(See also Amœbæon 343.)
Cyclus – The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the beginning and end of a Sentence. 245
(Also called Epanadiplosis and Inclusio.) © 2013-2022. All rights reserved. Material in public domain may be freely copied and distributed without charge for educational, non-commercial purposes.
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