or, FABLE.
A Fictitious Narrative used for Illustration.
Ap’-o-logue. Greek, ἀπόλογος from ἀπό (apo), from, and λογός (logos), speech
(from λέγειν, to speak), a story, tale; and especially a fable. Latin, FABULA, a fable.
An Apologue (or Fable) differs from a Parable, in that the Parable describes what is likely or probable, or at any rate what is believed by the hearers as probable,
while the Fable is not limited by such considerations, and is used of impossibilities,
such as trees, or animals, and inanimate things talking and acting.
The Fable, therefore, is a fictitious narrative intended to illustrate some maxim or truth.
Judges 9:8-15 would be a Fable, were it not explained in verse 16.
As it is, there are no examples of Fable, as such, in the Word of God..
From “Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible” by E. W. Bullinger,
(Public Domain) page 754. Adapted for website compatibility.
See original at link. Stream Download.
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