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Obsecratio – An Expression of Feeling by Oath or Asseveration.      941
(Also called Deasis and Obtestatio. See also Apostrophe.)

Obtestatio – An Expression of Feeling by Oath or Asseveration.      941
(Also called Deasis and Obsecratio. See also Apostrophe.)

OccupatioProlepsis. The answering of an Argument by anticipating it before it is used.   979
(Also called Anteoccupatio, Apantesis, Occupatio, Præmonitio and Procatalepsis. See also Ampliatio.)

Œonismos – An Expression of Feeling by way of wishing or hoping for a thing.     922
(Also called Optatio.)

Optatio – An Expression of Feeling by way of wishing or hoping for a thing.     922
(Also called Œonismos.)

Oxymoron – A Wise saying that seems Foolish.     816
(Also called Acutifatuum. See also Catachresis.) © 2013-2021. All rights reserved. Material in public domain may be freely copied and distributed without charge for educational, non-commercial purposes.
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