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Abominatio – An Expression of Feeling by way of Detestation.    935
(Also called Apodioxis, Rejectio, or Detestatio.)

– One word changed for another only remotely connected with it.    674
(Also called Catachresis)

AccismusApparent or Assumed Refusal.    962

–    786
(A form of Gnome where the sense is accommodated,
being quite different from that which was first intended, and the sense is accommodated by analogy to quite a different event or circumstance.)

The use of a Counter Charge, or Recrimination.    966
(Also called Anticategoria, Tu Quoque, Accusatio Adversa and Translatio Adversarium)

Repetition of the same or successive Letters
at the beginnings of Words or Clauses.         181
(Also called Acrostic and Parastichis.)

– A Wise saying that seems Foolish.    816

(Also called Oxymoron.)

– An Expression of Feeling by way of Doubt.    929
(Also called Aporia, Diaporesis and Dubitatio.)

  –  Joint Yoke.  135
(Also called  Synezeugmenon.)

– Visible Representation of Objects or Actions by Words.    444
(Also called Diatyposis, Eicasia, Enargeia, Hypotyposis, Icon, Imago, Phantasia and Repræsentatio.)

Ænigma Enigma: A Truth Expressed in Obscure Language.    772
(See also Hypænigma and Hypænixis.)

Ætiologia – The rendering a Reason for what is said or done.    963
(Also called Apodeixis and Causæ Redditio.)

AffirmatioSpontaneous Affirmation.      960

– An Expression of Feeling by way of Indignation.    934

The Repetition of Words similar in Sound,
but not necessarily in Sense.    307
(Rhyming Words. Also called Paronomasia and Annominatio.)

– Continued Comparison by Representation (Metaphor) or Implication (Hypocatastasis).             748

Allelouchia – (Repeated Alternation)  363      (Introverted Correspondence)   374
(Also called Chiasmos or Chiaston, Chiasmus and Decussata Oratio.)

Allœosis  – Exchange of one Word for another.    490
(Also called Enallage and Enallaxis.)

Amœbæon – Repetition of the same Phrase at the End of successive Paragraphs.   343
(A form of Cycloides:The Repetition of the same Phrase at regular Intervals.). 342)

Amphibologia – Double Meaning. A Word or Phrase susceptible of two Interpretations.  804

– A setting both Hearer and Speaker right by a Correction which acts both ways.  (See also Prodiorthosis.)     912

– A retaining of an old Name after the reason for it is passed away.  
(A form of Epitheton  440. See also Prolepsis 979.)

By way of addition or amplification (Pleonastic figures).    405

Anabasis – An Increase of Sense in successive Sentences.

(Also called Anagoge, Auxesis and Incrementum. See also Catabasis.)

– A Return to the Original Subject after a Digression.    913
(Also called Regressio, Recessio and Epanaclesis.)

– Repetition of the same Word in the same Sentence, with Different Meanings.   287
(Various names and forms – Antanaclasis, Antistasis, Dialogia, Ploce, Refractio and Reciprocatio.)

–  An Appeal to others as having interests in Common.    968
(Also called Communicatio and Symboulesis; when used in a question it may be Erotesis.)

– A breaking off the sequence of Thought.

Anadiplosis –  
Sentence begins with same word(s) that the previous sentence ended with.  251

Anæresis  – A Parenthetic Addition by way of Detraction.     481
(Parenthetic Tapeinosis [A lessening of a thing in order to increase it; Antenantiosis] 159.)

– An Increase of Sense in successive Sentences.      429
(Also called Anabasis, Auxesis and Incrementum. See also Catabasis.)

– An- Expression of Feeling by Way of Recalling to Mind.     918
(Also called Recollectio.)

Ellipsis of a later clause; without apodosis.   53
(A hypothetical proposition without the consequent clause.)

Anaphonema – An Expression of Feeling by way of Exclamation.    927
(Also called Ecphonesis and Anaphonesis.)

Anaphonesis – An Expression of Feeling by way of Exclamation.    927
(Also called Ecphonesis and Anaphonema.)

Anaphora – The Repetition of the same Word at the beginning
of successive Sentences.   199
(Also called Epanaphora and Relatio. See also Epibole.)

Anaschesis – A taking on one’s self.     981    
(A form of Prolepsis 979.)

Anastrophe –  The position of One word changed so as to be set over against the Other.     699
(Also called Parallage, Syncategorema, Trajectio and Inversio.)

Anesis – Addition of Conclusion by way of lessening the Effect.      463

Annominatio – The Repetition of Words similar in Sound, but not necessarily in Sense.    307
(Also called Agnominatio and Paronomasia.)

– Repetition of the same Word in the same Sentence, with Different Meanings.
(Various names and forms- Anaclasis, Antistasis, Dialogia, Ploce, Refractio and Reciprocatio.)    286 

– The Answering of one Question by asking another.    964
(Also called Anticatallaxis, Anthupophora, Compensatio and Contraria Illatio.)

– A lessening of a thing in order to increase it.     159
(Also called Tapeinosis and Anæresis.)

– The answering of an Argument by anticipating it before it is used.
Anticipation beforehand.     979
(Also called Apantesis, Occupatio, Præmonitio, Procatalepsis and Prolepsis.)

Antezeugmenon – Yoked at the Beginning.   131
(Also called Injunctum and Proepizeuxis.)

– The Ascribing of Human Attributes, etc., to God.     871
(Also called Derech Benai Adam, Condescensio and Syncatabasis.)

– The Answering of one Question by asking another.     964
(Also called Anteisagoge, Anticatallaxis, Compensatio and Contraria Illatio.)

Anthypophora – A reply to an objection.    980
(A form of Open Prolepsis 979 .)

– The Answering of one Question by asking another .      964
(Also called Anteisagoge, Anthupophora, Compensatio and Contraria Illatio.)

– The use of a Counter Charge, or Recrimination.     966
(Also called Accusatio Adversa, Translatio Adversarium and Tu Quoque,.)

Antimereia –  The Exchange of one part of Speech for another.      491
(Also called Allœosis and Enallaxis. A form of Enallage 490.)

– This figure repeats the word or words in a reverse order,
for the purpose of opposing one thing to another, or of contrasting two or more things.    301
(A form of Epanodos. Also called Commutatio, Diallelon and Metathesis.)

– Dialogue, or A Transference of Speakers.    898
(Also called Polyprosopon.)

Antiphrasis – A new and opposite Name for a thing after the original Meaning has ceased.  691    
(See also Irony, Permutatio and Sarcasmos. 807)

 Antipersonification. The opposite of Prosopopoeia;
Persons represented as inanimate things.    870

– Exchange of one case for another.     507
(A form of Antimereia, which is a form of Enallage. Also called Allœosis and Enallaxis.)

– Repetition of the same Word in the same Sentence, with Different Meanings.    286
(Various names and forms – Anaclasis, Antanaclasis, Dialogia, Ploce, Refractio and Reciprocatio.)

Antistrophe – A turning the Words of a Speaker against himself.     965
(Also called Biæon, Inverso and Violentum.)

– A setting of one Phrase in Contrast with another.    715
(Also called Contentio, Enantiosis, antitheta, contraposita and opposita.)

Antonomasia – Change of proper name for appellative, or vice versa.     682

 A meeting of an objection by anticipation.    979
(Also called Anteoccupatio, Occupatio, Praemonitio, Procatalepsis and Prolepsis.)

– The Enumeration of the Parts of a Whole which has not been mentioned.    436
(Also called Synathrœsmus, Enumeratio, Congeries, Syrmos and Eirmos.)

– Expression of Feeling by way of Malediction or Execration. 
(Also called Ara, Comminatio, Execratio, Imprecatio, Maledictio and Misos.)

–  The answering of an Argument by anticipating it before it is used.       979
(Open Prolepsis: the anticipated objection is both answered and stated.)
(See also Tecta, or Closed Prolepsis: the anticipated objection is merely stated or implied, not answered; or answered, but not plainly stated.)

Aphæresis – Front Cut.    149

– A temporary Turning Aside from one Subject to another.      906
(Also called Digressio, Ecbole, Parabasis and Parecbasis.)

– End Cut.     150

– The rendering a Reason for what is said or done.     963
(Also called Ætiologia and Causæ Redditio.)

Apodioxis – An Expression of Feeling by way of Detestation.   935
(Also called Abominatio, Detestatio and Rejectio.)

Fable; A Fictitious Narrative used for Illustration.    754
(Also called Fabula.)

– Addition of Insinuation (implied) by way of Reasoning.     486
(See also Cataphasis 487.)

An Expression of Feeling by way of Doubt.    929
(Also called Addubitatio, Diaporesis and Dubitatio.)

– Sudden Silence.   151
(Also called Reticentia.)

– The repetition of the same word after a break, or parenthesis.     206
(Also called Epanalepsis and Resumptio.)

Apostrophe – A Turning Aside from the Direct Matter to Address Others.  901
(Also called Aversio and Prosphonesis.)

– A Naming of a Thing by describing it.      440
(Also called Appositum and Epitheton. See also Ampliatio.)

–     940
(Also called Apeuche, Comminatio, Execratio, Imprecatio, Maledictio and Misos.)

Association – When the Writer or Speaker associates himself with those whom he addresses.    900

Assumptio – Addition (full) of what is professed to be ignored.      485
(Also called Circumductio and Proslepsis.)

Asteïsmos (change) – An Expression of Feeling by way of Politeness.     917
(Urbanity as opposed to Rusticity.)

Asteïsmos /Asteismus (addition) – Politeness     488
(Addition by graceful disclosure of what is professedly concealed.)

Asteïsmos – See “Gnomon Of The New Testament” by Johann Albrecht Bengel,
Vol. 5, pg. 395.

Asterismos – The Calling Attention to by making a Star or Mark.     926

AsyndetonNo “Ands ”; Without Conjunctions  137
(Also called Asyntheton, Dialysis, Dialyton, Dissolutio, Epitrochasmos, Percursio and Solutum.)

–  Addition of Conclusion by way of a brief Summary.      468
(Also called Symperasma.)

– An Increase of Sense in successive Sentences.     429
(Also called Anabasis, Anagoge and Incrementum.)

– A Turning Aside from the direct Subject-Matter to address others.    901
(Also called Apostrophe and Prosphonesis.) © 2013-2022. All rights reserved. Material in public domain may be freely copied and distributed without charge for educational, non-commercial purposes.
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