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Hendiadys – Two words used but one thing meant.     657
(See also Antimereia – The Exchange of one part of Speech for another.   491)

Hendiatris – Three words used, but one thing meant.    673

Hermeneia – Repetition for the Purpose of Interpreting what has been already said. (Also called Interpretatio.)   402

Heterosis  510
Exchange of one Voice, Mood, Tense, Person, Number, Degree, or Gender, for another.
….. (of degree526

….. (of gender533

….. (of moods513

….. (of number528

….. (of person523

….. (of tenses517

….. (of the verb512

Homœopropheron – The Repetition of the same Letter or Syllable at the commencement of Successive Words.      171
(Also called Alliteration.)

Homœoptoton – The Repetition of Inflections.      177

Homœoteleuton – The Repetition of the same Letters or Syllables at the end of Successive Words.           176

Homogene (Ho-mog-e-nee)A form of  Polyptoton: The Repetition of the same Part of Speech in different Inflections. (Also called Casuum Varietas and Metagoge.)
Example of Search Box search ( xxiv ), 272.

Horismos – A Definition of Terms.       443
(Also called Definitio.)

Hypænigma (Enigma). A Truth expressed in obscure Language.      772
(A Saying Deep as well as Dark. Also called Ænigma and  Hypænixis.)

Hypænixis –  (Enigma). To Speak Darkly; A Speaking Beneath.  772
(Having another meaning beneath what is actually said. Also called Ænigma and  Hypænigma.)

Hypallage – Interchange of Construction.     535
(See also Antimereia – The Exchange of one part of Speech for another.   491)

Hyperbaton – The placing of a Word out of its usual order in a Sentence.      692
(Also called Synchysis.)

Hyperbole – When more is said than is literally meant.       423
(Also called Epauxesis, Hyperoche, Hyperthesis and Superlatio.)
(See also Hyperbolical Hypothesis 427.)

Hyperbolical Hypothesis 427.
(Impossible in themselves, but are used to express the greatness of the subject spoken of.)

Hyperoche – When more is said than is literally meant.      423
(Also called Epauxesis, Hypebole, Hyperthesis and Superlatio.) 

Hyperthesis – When more is said than is literally meant.     423
(Also called Epauxesis, Hypebole, Hyperoche and Superlatio.) 

Hypobole – The answering of an Argument by anticipating it before it is used.      981
(Prolepsis Occupatio – Aperta. Also called Anaschesis, Anthypophora, Prosapodoton and Schesis.)

Hypocatastasis Comparison by Implication. Implied  Resemblance or Representation.  744

Hypophora – Prolepsis (Tecta) is so called when it anticipates the objection, but confines itself merely to stating it.       980

Hypotimesis -Parenthetic Addition by way of Apology or Excuse.       480
(Also called Meiligmata.)

Hypotyposis – Visible Representation of Objects or Actions by Words. Word Picture.     444
(Also called Adumbratio, Diatyposis, Eicasia, Enargeia, Icon, Phantasia and Repræsentatio.)

End Yoke.      134

Joint Yoke. See Zeugma, (Synezeugmenon) footnote.  135
(“When in a succession of clauses each subject has its own proper verb, expressed instead of being understood, then it is called HYPOZEUXIS.” )

Hysteresis – A subsequent Narration of prior Events.      709
(Also called Historical Hysteresis.)

Hysterologia – The First of two things put Last: or the opposite of Hysteron-Proteron.     705

Hysteron Proteron – The Second of two things put First.       703 © 2013-2021. All rights reserved. Material in public domain may be freely copied and distributed without charge for educational, non-commercial purposes.
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