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Maledictio – Expression of Feeling by way of Malediction or Execration.      940
(Also called Apeuche, Ara, Comminatio, Execratio, Imprecatio and Misos.)

Materialis – A different subject of thought substituted for the original subject.       681
(Also called Metallage and Suppositio.)

Meiligmata – Parenthetic Addition by way of Apology or Excuse.       480
(Also called Hypotimesis. )

Meiosis – A be-littleing of one thing to magnify another; a lessening or diminution;
to make smaller.
(Also called Diminutio, Extenuatio and Litotes.)       155

Merismos – An Enumeration of the Parts of a Whole which has been mentioned.     435
(Also called Diallage, Digestio, Discriminatio, Distributio and Epimerismos.)

Mesarchia – The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the beginning and middle of successive Sentences.       260

Mesodiplosis – The Repetition of the same Word or Words in the middle of successive Sentences.(Also called Mesophonia.)       261

– The Repetition of the same Word or Words in the middle of successive Sentences. (Also called Mesodiplosis.)      261

Mesoteleuton – The Repetition of the same Word or Words in the middle and at the end of successive Sentences.       262

Mesozeugma – Middle Yoke. The Zeugma is so-called when the verb or adjective occurs in the middle of the sentence.       134
(Also called Conjunctum.)

Metabasis – A passing from one subject to another.      908
(Also called Interfactio and Transitio.)

Metagoge – The Repetition of the same Part of Speech in different Inflections.      267
(Also called Casuum Varietas and Polyptoton.)

Metalepsis – Two Metonymies, one contained in the other, but only one expressed.     609
(Also called Translatio and Transumptio.)    (False ) 62

Metallage – A different subject of thought substituted for the original subject.      681
(Also called Materialis and Suppositio.)

Metanœa –  A Recalling of what has been said, in order to correct it as by an Afterthought.     909
(Also called Correctio, Diorthosis, Epanorthosis and Epidiorthosis.)

Metaphor – A Declaration that one Thing is (or represents) another; or, Comparison by Representation.       735
(Also called Translatio.)

Metastasis – A transferring of the Blame from one’s self to another.       967
(Also called Translatio.)

Metathesis –  Epanodos, with Contrast or Opposition.       301
(Also called Antimetabole, Commutatio and Diallelon.)

Metonymy – The Change of one Noun for another Related Noun.      538
(Metonymy is of four kinds: viz., of the Cause, of the Effect, of the Subject, and of the Adjunct.)

………Metonymy of the Adjunct     587

………Metonymy of the Cause        539

………Metonymy of the Effect          560

………Metonymy of the Subject     567

Mimesis – Description of Sayings.       451
(Also called Imitatio.)

Misos – Expression of Feeling by way of Malediction or Execration.      940
(Also called Apeuche, Ara, Comminatio, Execratio, Imprecatio and Maledictio.)

Morum Expressio – A Description of Manners or Customs.       449
(Also called Ethopœia and Notatio.)

Mycterismos – An Expression of Feeling by Mocking and Jeering.       942
(Also called Chleuasmos and Epicertomesis.) © 2013-2022. All rights reserved.
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