..           1. Where the Omission is to be supplied by
REPEATING a word or words out of the Preceding Clause.

                                     .(a) NOUNS and PRONOUNS.
(b) Where the omitted VERB
………………………….is to be repeated from a PRECEDING clause.
.                                     (c) Where an omitted PARTICLE
.                                             is to be repeated from the PRECEDING
.                                              (1) Negatives
.                                         (2) Interrogatives
.                                     (d) Where the omission of CONNECTED WORDS
.                                    is to be supplied by repeating them out of a preceding clause.

………..2. Where the Omitted word is to be Supplied out of a Succeeding Clause.

From “Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible” by E. W. Bullinger,
(Public Domain) pages 70-110. Adapted for website compatibility.
See original at link.      Stream      Download.

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